14:00 - 16:00


Draft Agenda:

Introduction and Moderation
Hans-Udo Muzel, Ambassador (ret.), Member of the Advisory Board of NUMOV

Cooperation in the hydrogen infrastructure sector – SouthH2Corridor
Ellen von Zitzewitz, Federal German Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action

German perspectives on just energy transformation and its effects on MENA economies, societies and politics
Mario Sander von Torklus, Head of Near and Middle East Department, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development

UAE-German cooperation and its effects on the UAE
Dr. Nawal Al Hanaee, Director of Future Energy Department, UAE Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure

Moroccan-German cooperation and its effects on Morocco
Ayoub Hirt, Research Institute for Solar Energy and New Energies, IRESEN, Morocco

Panel discussion: What mutual benefits do partnerships bring for Germany and MENA countries? Where is potential for improvement? What are the challenges?
All participants, moderation by Hans-Udo Muzel



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