Hier können Sie sich einen Antrag auf Mitgliedschaft im NUMOV herunterladen: (Deutsch) (English)

Der Nah- und Mittelost-Verein e.V. / NUMOV unterstützt seit 90 Jahren deutsche Unternehmen beim Auf- und Ausbau von Beziehungen im Nahen und Mittleren Osten. Der NUMOV ist somit Deutschlands größte und älteste Organisation für Wirtschaftsförderung in der Region.

The services for our members include information events and publications on current economic developments in the countries of the region, specialist seminars on selected business topics and the organization and implementation of delegation trips. In addition, our Regional Managers with their well-founded regional expertise are at your disposal for specialist inquiries.

With our events and business trips, we not only offer first-hand information, but also excellent opportunities for networking. Find out more about our corporate member services here.

Our department for member support would also be happy to inform you about the advantages of a NUMOV membership in a personal telephone call.

You can request further information on membership as well as our current events and publications at any time by e-mail or using the following contact form. We will be happy to send you the documents immediately by post or email.

We would be pleased to welcome your company among the members of the German Near and Middle East Association.

Opinions of NUMOV members on the occasion of NUMOV's Summer Reception 2017

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